Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 046 Building Forms with XPages and Extension Library

The NotesIn9 100,000 Celebration continues! Last week saw three new shows and I also recorded an X-Cast Podcast due out soon. I have 2 more shows coming to cap off this huge milestone.

In this show I take a brief look at a couple of different topics. First I talk about the Extension Library and the Upgrade Pack and what I personally perceive to be differences betwen the two.

Then for the Demo, I talk about several different ext. library controls. The focus is on Field Layout Controls like “Form Table”, “Form Layout Row”, and “Form Layout Column”. But to get to that point I first touch on the App Layout control and the Navigator. I hope you like it.

For more information on App Layout control Steve Pridemore did a great show on it in episode 42.

Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 045 XPages: Tracking File Downloads

In this episode I take a look at how you can use an XAgent to track any file this is downloaded or link that is clicked on your website.
At one Point in the show I mention “Thomas Bahn” and that should have been “Thomas Gumz”. Sorry for the mix up!  

Prior to the Demo there’s an important service message for the Kennedy Kreiger Institute.  They are directly involved in crucial care for Matt Reimer as discussed in a post by Rob Novak.  The program that benefits Matt is having it’s funding significantly reduced. Here is an article about Matt and the funding issue.

I would only ask that if NotesIn9 has ever benefitted you, maybe you would consider donating to this worthy cause.

The website is:
To donate be sure to select Other in the Fund Designation section and enter “ALD Research”
To contribute by mail, make checks to Kennedy Krieger Foundation, 707 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205-9851. Memo: “ALD Research”

Thank you for the consideration!

Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 044: Using Source Control Part 2

NotesIn9 Week Continues!

In this show I take another look at Source control in Domino Designer. I feel it’s an EXTREMELY important topic. There will hopefully more more shows coming as well.

In this show I talk more about the servers to hold your repository. We take a quick look back at Declan Lynch’s server that I demo’d in Episode 41 , and then I show how you might go about getting the information needed to build your own internal server.

Finally I take a long look at a hosted server called They can host your repositories, have free plans, and are at least a little bit XPAGES FRIENDLY!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 043 Domino Designer Tips and Tweaks

In this show I take a brief look at Domino Designer and go over some enhancements that I’ve learned from some true experts, Paul Calhoun and Nathan Freeman.  I’ll show how to check out and improve Designer’s memory usage and even make your XPages XML source code easier to read.
Here is the link to Nathan’s blog post detailing many Designer tweaks.

In other news I’m trying to improve how I use other outlets for NotesIn9 information. If you like, please follow @NotesIn9 on twitter. I also have a facebook page.

Notes In 9

Announcing 100,000 videos Served!!!

I just wanted to mention that sometime last week NotesIn9 passed 100,000 total video plays/downloads of videos!

Of course that’s not unique users… people watch the same show more then once, but still I think it’s a really good number showing growing interest in XPages technology.

Anyway – I’m very pleased at the interest in my little show. When I started this in the summer of 2009 I never thought it would go this far. And I certainly couldn’t have done it without the awesome help from my growing list of contributors. These people are the true XPages experts and I’m very happy that they’ve come on the show to share their talents and tips.

My most popular show continues to be my original XPages Jumpstart video. A 73 minute session that I originally presented at some user groups. That show is been viewed / download over 8,500 times itself!!

There’s a lot more to come for NotesIn9.

– I’m investigating getting the shows transcribed or maybe even closed captioned/subtitled to help people where english is not their first language.
– I’m desperately trying to do some things to improve my website and consolidate XPages.TV and into NotesIn9 to try and make things easier to find.
– I’ve got some more great contributors coming on soon if all goes well.
– I also have a bunch of my own shows in the queue that I want to try and get to.

So needless to say, NotesIn9 will keep going and hopefully serve up another 100,00 in less time!

I really must thank Chris Miller and his Spiked Studio Productions for supporting NotesIn9 with wordpress hosting and advice. He came to me very early on and gave me some help when I really needed it.

I also want to thank Jeremy Hodge and his ZetaOne company for creating my logos and assistance with other aspects of the show.

And I especially want to thank everyone for watching and for any comments and emails. I really appreciate them!

In celebration of this event there will be some new shows out next week.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 042 XPages and Application Layout Control

In this episode Steve Pridemore, a new contributor, comes on the show to demonstation some cool techniques for using the new application layout control available in Domino 8.5.3 with the Extension Library.

UPDATE: Here’s the Demo file for the episode.
THIS HAS BEEN FIXED. Sorry about that.

UPDATE 2: Steve also used the Fake Names database for data. That can be found at


New XPages book now available!

XPages: Portable Command Guide.

A Compact Resource to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language

This book is now available from Amazon in print and Kindle editions as well as Apple’s iBooks for iPad use and I’m sure other good bookstores as well. I’ve just purchased it via iBooks and will try to do a review at some point in the future.

Great to see!

Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 041: XPages, Designer – SOURCE CONTROL!!

In this show I talk about what Source Control is, more importantly why even as a solo Domino Developer that you would want to use it, and I go into a hopefully fairly detailed demo on how to install it into Designer and how to use it.

I must be clear here that everything I know about this I learned from Declan Lynch. Check out his blog at He is the true expert. Hopefully he’ll be able to contribute his Lotusphere session to NotesIn9. 🙂

Personally I can’t emphasize enough that we as Notes/Domino developers, whether you’re using XPages or not, start understanding and using Source Control.

Community Notes In 9 XPages

New XPages CheatSheet Released

The new XPages Cheatsheet, “XPages: Social Tools”, that was launched at Lotusphere has been added to and is available for immediate download. This sheet, focuses on integrating your XPages applications with social sites, like Connections, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

It joins the original XPages Cheatsheet which is geared more for the pure beginner starting out with XPages Development.

Both documents are available in 2 PDF versions. The original 11×17 version that gets printed for Lotusphere and a version that is sized for 8.5 x 11 that can be printed at home. is also the home of online demos that have been featured on the screencast. A Demo database and a Fake names Data database is also available for download.

A complete list of NotesIn9 videos, including the award winning XPages Jumpstart video can be found at XPages.TV.

Note: I know the boxes aren’t lining up right. I hate CSS. I’ll fix it as soon as I can. Also, the “Fancy Type ahead” demo has been temporally removed because I broke it. I’ll fix that also soon.


Looking for some NotesIn9 feedback.

I noticed something at Lotusphere. There was a hearing impaired person in many of the XPages sessions. She was clearly starting to learn XPages. She had two translators who would switch off during the sessions. While it was amazing to watch I found myself wondering if she knew about NotesIn9 and if she was even able to make use of the videos. So I did the only thing I could think of… I asked her. Her name is Carolyn and she was very nice. The first bad news is that she did not know of NotesIn9. That’s a marketing problem I’m working on. The other problem is that she probably can’t make much use of the videos without some kind of sub-titles in them. That’s not something I ever thought about before. When I started asking about subtitles to my friends, some of them, like Serdar, thought it would also be really good for people where English is not a first language. Others seemed to echo this. It seems that for people in other countries it’s easier to read English then hear it. Another revelation that I never considered.

So it seems to me that there’s a potential demand for adding sub-titles to the show. I really have no idea how to add sub-titles to the video feed either for Youtube, or my hosted stuff which is on the website or available via iTunes/RSS for downloading. So I’d need to investigate that. Not sure what happens if the sub-titles conceal pieces of the screen…

Regarding generating the sub titles I THINK there are three ways to do it.
1. There’s a service that does this for $1 per minute. I would certainly try this for a couple of shows, but to do it for every show might get too expensive. I think NotesIn9 is closing in on 7 hours of material….
2. I could try to create subtitles that weren’t a complete translation – but maybe a shortened outline.. not sure the value in that.
3. MAYBE I could find a volunteer to do a fuller translation…

While I’m NOT promising to add subtitles to every show, I am promising to investigate the feasibility.

So my question to anyone who might care is this:

How valuable would adding subtitles be in helping you learn XPages from the NotesIn9 shows?

Any opinions or advice would be appreciated.
