In this show Brian Moore returns to give is tips on how to get fancier with the PDF’s that you create from XPages and iText.
In this show Brian Moore returns to give is tips on how to get fancier with the PDF’s that you create from XPages and iText.
I’m very happy to announce that after the amazing success of last years XPages Cheatsheet, there will be a brand new CheatSheet for this year!
This year’s sheet is titled “XPages: Social Tools” and is intended to be a starting point on how to connect your XPages Apps to Social Services like LotusLive, DropBox, Twitter, FaceBook, IBM Connections, IBM SameTime and the IBM Social Business Toolkit.
This document would not have been possible without the effort of IBMers Dan O’Connor, Niklas Heildoff and Phil Riand. They literally pulled togerther all the content and “all” I had to do was the formatting. I really hope this proves helpful to people who want to integrate their apps with these social services.
I have learned that the original XPages Cheatsheet will return for Lotusphere. I did send IBM a new version with a couple of VERY MINOR updates that people had sent to me. So even if you have the old one feel free to pick the new one up to get those changes. But again 99% of it is the same.
I assume that both cheatsheets will be available at the Lotus Technical Information booth. They might make it into the back of some of the sessions again. I’m not speaking this year so I’m not really certain about that. They might end up in the Labs also since they were last year.
On or after Lotusphere I’ll be adding the “XPages: Social Tools” sheet to, which is the website that I use to host the downloadable versions as well as the Demo database that I use for most of the videos. So you will be able to get it even if you don’t attend the conference.
I hope everyone likes them. If you’re coming to Lotusphere safe travels and I hope to see you!
In this show I take a look at using XPages with iOS browsers. Specifically we’ll be looking at how to turn off AutoCorrect.
In this show, John Jardin, returns to demonstrate the mythical setting: GoFaster=1. That’s just what CSS/Js aggregation in XPages provides with the new Domino 8.5.3 server.
Fasten your seat belts!
That other day I was looking at some stats for my NotesIn9 show – “Introduction to XPages“.
I thought it might be interesting to share the stats just of this 1 episode in an attempt to show the interest in XPages, at least from my tiny corner of the Internet – / XPages.TV. I picked this show because it’s kinda like a “Jumpstart”. Very intro level for people getting started.
Of course it’s not a TRUE picture of XPages Interest. There are probably lots of XPages devs that never found this video… these aren’t necessarily “Unique” users, and the numbers from the cross posts on YouTube / XPages.Info aren’t included…. but given all that, I think it’s good sign to see such strong demand for such a basic show on XPages. And of course I want to thank every body for watching the show!
In this show I take a question from a viewer who asked how you could have a view on the right, click on a document and be able to edit it on the left. I’ll demonstrate that by using a Repeat Control since I don’t like View Controls that much.
There’s quite a bit in here for the beginner. I create a repeat control, bind to a foreign database, control rendering of the document section, use simple actions and SSJS and even show the world how bad I am with CSS. 🙂
The viewer also wanted to be able to create NEW documents, but I’ll save that bit for a future show.
Hope you like it.
In this show John Jardin comes back on to give a demo on how to use version 3.0 of the XPages ViewPicker Custom Control. This is a control was featured on a previous NotesIn9 but Mark Hughes has made enough enhancements to it that John thought it needed an updated video. Not to be missed is the use of the Loading Mask as well as the Multi-Value Deselector.
Look for more videos on using custom controls in future shows.
In this show we have another great guest contributor. Paul Withers from Intec Solutions comes on the show to introduce to us to what should be our new Best Friend, otherwise known as the “F4 key”. Learn how to use this key to find all the hidden methods and properties from your objects.
In this show John Jardin comes back on to talk about getting started with using Remote Services in XPages.
In this show, Peter Presnell comes on to give a high level look at some of the options available to test XPage applications.