Ext. Library Learning XPages Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9: 049 XPages: Login and Logout

In this show I take a look at how to use the Login and Logout node of the Extension Libraries Application Layout Control. It should be noted that currently there’s a bug in the extension library where the logout piece doesn’t actually work. So I demonstrate how to get around that until it gets fixed.

Some code from the show:

Setting the “Can Logout” ability:
sessionScope.put(“extlib.user.canlogout”, true)

A link for the manual logout node:

href = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getContextPath() + “?Logout&redirectTo=” + facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getContextPath()

Control rendering on the manual logout node:

var uName = session.getEffectiveUserName();
if(uName == “Anonymous”) {
return false;

else {
return true;

Community Notes In 9 XPages

Learn XPages anywhere now!

I just wanted to point out a really cool thing that Stephan Wissel did.  He blogged today with instructions for easily download all of my NotesIn9 shows to your hard drive.

Here’s his blog post.

So you can already download and use all my shows offline via iTunes which isn’t to difficult to do. But this should allow you to just do a generic “Get All” and load them onto the device of your choice.

I will add that another great way to learn XPages is Matt White’s site. If you like NotesIn9 his stuff is so much better technically. Though I think I try to get a few more jokes in from time to time. 🙂 And guess what, if you’re a subscriber you can download Matt’s videos as well and take them with you as needed! Score!!

I think NotesIn9 is closing in on 7-8 hours worth of training videos, I’m sure Matt has the same. Hmm.. Wonder if we could fill up an iPad between us. haha

Learning XPages Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9: 048 Applying Themes to Form Tables

In this episode, which concludes the NotesIn9 100,000 views celebration event , a very special guest, Tim Tripcony comes on the show to talk about how to use themes to control your field layout inside the Application Layout Control.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 047 Intro to XPages and Relational Data

In this show the amazing John Jardin comes back on to show us how to install the Extension Library and use it to get started accessing relational database content.

Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 044: Using Source Control Part 2

NotesIn9 Week Continues!

In this show I take another look at Source control in Domino Designer. I feel it’s an EXTREMELY important topic. There will hopefully more more shows coming as well.

In this show I talk more about the servers to hold your repository. We take a quick look back at Declan Lynch’s server that I demo’d in Episode 41 , and then I show how you might go about getting the information needed to build your own internal server.

Finally I take a long look at a hosted server called They can host your repositories, have free plans, and are at least a little bit XPAGES FRIENDLY!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 042 XPages and Application Layout Control

In this episode Steve Pridemore, a new contributor, comes on the show to demonstation some cool techniques for using the new application layout control available in Domino 8.5.3 with the Extension Library.

UPDATE: Here’s the Demo file for the episode.
THIS HAS BEEN FIXED. Sorry about that.

UPDATE 2: Steve also used the Fake Names database for data. That can be found at


New XPages book now available!

XPages: Portable Command Guide.

A Compact Resource to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language

This book is now available from Amazon in print and Kindle editions as well as Apple’s iBooks for iPad use and I’m sure other good bookstores as well. I’ve just purchased it via iBooks and will try to do a review at some point in the future.

Great to see!

Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 041: XPages, Designer – SOURCE CONTROL!!

In this show I talk about what Source Control is, more importantly why even as a solo Domino Developer that you would want to use it, and I go into a hopefully fairly detailed demo on how to install it into Designer and how to use it.

I must be clear here that everything I know about this I learned from Declan Lynch. Check out his blog at He is the true expert. Hopefully he’ll be able to contribute his Lotusphere session to NotesIn9. 🙂

Personally I can’t emphasize enough that we as Notes/Domino developers, whether you’re using XPages or not, start understanding and using Source Control.

Community Notes In 9 XPages

New XPages CheatSheet Released

The new XPages Cheatsheet, “XPages: Social Tools”, that was launched at Lotusphere has been added to and is available for immediate download. This sheet, focuses on integrating your XPages applications with social sites, like Connections, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

It joins the original XPages Cheatsheet which is geared more for the pure beginner starting out with XPages Development.

Both documents are available in 2 PDF versions. The original 11×17 version that gets printed for Lotusphere and a version that is sized for 8.5 x 11 that can be printed at home. is also the home of online demos that have been featured on the screencast. A Demo database and a Fake names Data database is also available for download.

A complete list of NotesIn9 videos, including the award winning XPages Jumpstart video can be found at XPages.TV.

Note: I know the boxes aren’t lining up right. I hate CSS. I’ll fix it as soon as I can. Also, the “Fancy Type ahead” demo has been temporally removed because I broke it. I’ll fix that also soon.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 040 Automated XPages Testing

In this show, John Jardin comes on to demonstrate Selenium, from, which is a FireFox plugin that lets you automate testing of websites.  This looks really cool!  You can record tests and re-run them later.  So if you make changes you can catch regression bugs and such.

This show is not to be missed for XPages Developers.