Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 28 XPages and CGI Variables

In this show I demo one way to access CGI variables inside your XPages applications.

I hope it’s helpful.

Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9 027: The View Picker Custom Control

Did you know that openNTF is running an XPages Development Contest? 3 iPads have been sponsored by We4IT. Already many custom controls have been submitted for free use in any applications. In this show we take a look at one of these custom controls.

Mark Hughes from comes on the show to discuss his custom control creation – a very powerful View Picker.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 026: Collapsing and Expanding Views in XPages

Here’s a quick little show that I threw together last night. Was talking to someone who had a question on how to do a Collapse All/Expand All for a view control and it turns out to be WAY more difficult then it should. I’ll maintain there are better UI constructs to do this but he wanted to stick with a view control. So here goes.

Some links from the show:

Original Forum thread from 2009

JavaDoc Information

Stephan Wissel’s solution

Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 025: Selecting Documents from inside a Repeat Control

When you use a view control there is a simple action for working with selected documents. In SSJS there is a method, getSelectedIDs (or something like that), that let’s you get a handle on any selected documents. However neither of these solutions exist for documents inside a Repeat Control.

In this show l will demonstrate how have a repeat control and get a handle on any documents that the user selects.

I’m TRYING to improve the site… It’s slow going.

P.S. This is the 25th episode of my normal NotesIn9 show. ๐Ÿ™‚ All the XPages shows, the XPages Jumpstart and the Extended Editions can be found easily at

P.S. Ok. I’ll admit it. I did have a thought on doing some April Fools Joke here. Maybe a Rick Roll – but then I thought that the “Rick Roll” has run it’s course. Maybe that “Friday” song should be the new Rick Roll? But don’t worry. This video is safe! ๐Ÿ™‚

P.P.S If you have a Mac… and Kids… a great April Fools prank is to ssh into the mac from an iPad or other device and use the “Say” command. Great fun. I had my kids thinking their Mac was Watson’s cousin. ๐Ÿ™‚

Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 23 โ€“ The Great XPages Race

This is a special show that I started last night to basically respond to a couple of blog posts from Jake Howlett at

Post 1
Post 2

I believe that XPages is RAD. I pretty much did the building in 3:45 give or take a second or two. It might be interesting to spend another 5 minutes to add things like security, validation and mobile controls to make it truly production ready.

Again – this is just an all in fun kinda thing. There are pros and cons to any platform.

Mobile Podcast XPages

NoteIn9: EE 007 – XPages and Mobile Controls

In this extended edition, Chris Connor comes back on the show to talk about extending and XPages app to the mobile platform by using the mobile controls from OpenNTF.

Learning XPages Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: New XPages Jumpstart and CheatSheet Update

Today I’m very excited to release my latest “NotesIn9” Show. This is an Extended Edition that comes in at 51 minutes. It’s called:

XPages: Beyond the Introduction

Some time ago, I did another show called: Introduction to XPages. That 73 Minute show was always meant to be “Part 1”, and “Beyond” was meant to be “Part 2”. Taken together I consider this a free XPages Jumpstart coming in right around 2 hours. I’m particularly proud of the “Beyond” show as there are TONS of demos from pretty basic to a little more advanced.

But rather then just show a video of demos, I wanted to come up with something that might be a little more helpful. I really like the Demo app of the XPages Extension Library, so I decided to come up with my own. No Extension Library needed.

So today I’m announcing the grand opening of:

The first purpose of this site, is to be the home site for the XPages Cheatsheet(s). In addition to holding the PDF’s, this site also contains many of the Demo’s used in the “Beyond” show. I’m making the template, cheatsheet.nsf, downloadable along with the FakeNames.nsf data database that I use. Feel free to pick it apart. It’s my intention to try and continue adding to this database with additional tips and demos as I create more NotesIn9 shows.

I hope the video and demo app area good resource to the XPages community.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 24 – Fancy Type Ahead in XPages

In this show I try and do something rather dangerous. I attempt to explain a Tim Tripcony blog post on creating Fancy TypeAheads which are TypeAheads that show additional data in the lookup results. This helps aid the user to select the correct record.

I had some technical problems in the show. The sound changed for the demo portion somehow. Also I messed up due to the last Extended Edition and missed episode 23. So the next one will be 23. ๐Ÿ™‚

So anyway – here you go. I hope you like it.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: Extended Edition 05: XPages CMS App Walkthrough

I’m really happy about this show because I have another great guest speaker. ย Chris Connor has come one to take a look at a production application and then go into designer and talk about how some of the pieces work.

This is an Extended Edition so it’s a little longer and more detailed then the normal shows. ย Chris opens up designer to show how some of the features on his website was built. ย Lots of good nuggets of information in there.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 22- Reviewing TLCC XPages Courses

In this show I do a review of TLCC’s distance learning products. I talk about what they offer and then do a demo of what their courseware by looking at their XPages lessons.

I was not paid for this review. Over the years I’ve purchased with my own personal money several TLCC courses, including the first XPages course. However, I was given a free review copy of the second XPages course and I do talk about that course during the show.