
NotesIn9 and Blog publishing plans for Tim’s material

I guess I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on my current thoughts on publishing material that I have from Tim.

I have 2 emails filled with “Tim Info” that I want to publish and just get it out there.  1 is pretty old but the other was forwarded to me last week and I think was from that past Thursday.  Both have some really good information that deserves to be more widely available I think.

I also have 2 videos from Tim.  One from a couple weeks ago on using OAuth.  Another small one from a couple months ago that I just totally missed and forgot about.

There’s also a video from a while ago that was intended for NotesIn9 but I think I was on vacation that week and he just got impatient and put it up on his YouTube Channel.  I pretty much intend to republish that inside NotesIn9 so try and get it more visibility.

Anyway – that’s my thoughts.  My current intention is to get all this out as soon as possible.





This one time at the Eastern PA Meetup and XMage Memorial…

Last night a memorial get together was held in honor of our friend, Tim “XMage” Tripcony.  We met at the Allentown Brewhouse which did seem like a pretty nice place.  It kinda reminded me of the Big River Grill at Disney where we always meet for BALD the day before Lotusphere starts.  So very fitting.

Jesse Gallagher, Chris Toohey and I wanted to have some kind of get together to raise a glass to Tim and share some stories and I think it worked out very well.

It was great to see old friends, Rob and Jim, and make new ones in Dave and Dennis. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Good enough that we might try to do another meetup in the area sometime in the future.

Here’s a couple pics from the event.

photo 1 photo 3 photo 4



Tim Tripcony – Rest in Peace my friend

I really don’t remember all the details of how I met Tim “XMage” Tripcony, but from early on he was always kind to me and a friend of my NotesIn9 screencast.

I remember talking to him probably via email and/or Sametime about a blog post he made on “Fancy Typeahead”. I thought it was brilliant and as like many things Tim was involved with, no one had ever done that before in XPages. I eventually pretty much stole that entire post (with his blessing) and turned it into Episode 24.

I’m not sure but I THINK I first met Tim in person at the Lotusphere 2010 Opening Party. This was now my second Lotusphere. I was doing NotesIn9 by then so I started to talk to people in the community but I really didn’t know many people “in person”. Just from online chats and stuff really. The original “XPages Blog” brought a lot of people together I think.

I did meet some people in person for the first time at BALD. Declan Lynch was one of them as I was presenting with him that year. I remember bumping into someone from BALD at the Sunday night party as I wandered around aimlessly and they told me not to move as “Tim was looking for me”. Sure Tim and I had communicated by then a little bit for him to actively try and look for me was something else. Made me feel very special and included. I’ll always remember the blogger photo from Lotusphere that year where this popular genius of the community ,who was also the nicest guy you could ever hope to find, chose to stand with me.

I remember Tim pinging me on Skype one day.  He said Nathan, who I never spoke to before, wanted to talk to me.  I said to Tim:  “Oh Crap! Nathan wants to cancel NotesIn9 because I’m doing it all wrong!”.  Tim assured me that wasn’t the case.

I remember on a business trip to Atlanta arranging to meet Tim for dinner.  We went to this really good BBQ place called Foxboro I think and just sat and talked for hours.  It was great.

I remember thinking of him as the “Mr. Spock” of our community.  Tim was completely brilliant.  And where Spock would say “fascinating” Tim would say “Indeed”.

Tim was the SWAT team of the XPages world.  You get stuck on something then you ask someone.  If no one else knows THEN you called Tim.  Tim always happily answered.  Which didn’t mean you understood the solution all the time. but he tried explaining it.  I remember him coming over to my room in Lotusphere one time.  I was really stuck on something…  I don’t remember what.  Tim sat and looked at my stuff and I think gave me a couple ways to proceed.  One of them I understood.

When I would describe Tim to someone I would always bring up a reference to Star Trek IV.  I’d say talking to Tim is like talking Scotty.  It’s like talking to someone from the future and he has the formula to Transparent Aluminum. I think Tim got a kick out of that one.

Tim was actually my best contributor to NotesIn9.  He love to share.  He came on for 8 shows that totaled over 3 and a half hours.  I’ll put links to those shows at the end of this post.  I have 2 more unpublished shows from Tim.  One I knew about and another one that I just completely missed. I’d forgotten all about it. That one seems extra special to me now for some reason.  I’m going to try and publish both next week.  I swear on the bigger show from just a couple weeks ago he seemed “giddy” when going through the code.

I’m a better person for knowing Tim Tripcony. He was an inspiration, a personal hero, and a friend.


Tim contributed to these NotesIn9 shows: (2 more coming)






VENUE CHANGE: Eastern PA Meetup and Tim Tripcony Memorial

I’ve gotten a great response to this!  I believe we’re up to 11 people that are likely.  Amazing!

But the initial plan needs to change. Apparently some of the local colleges graduate that day and the Bethlehem location was booked.  So we’re going to try and move it to their Allentown location.

This isn’t really a “room” or anything.  It’s basically reservations for 5:00pm.  I’ve never been there so I don’t know what to expect. I assume there’s a bar if you get there early.  I’m sure I’ll be there a little earlier.

This is low key! The same as Tim or any other LUG type event.  No real “agenda”. We’ll hang… chat… morn, commiserate…  explore the future maybe.  Just basically a meet and be social as in “real world social”.


Please let me know if you have any questions.  And if you’re planning on coming and haven’t let me know yet please do!






Announcing the Eastern PA Meetup and XMage Memorial

As much as I would like to, I’m unable to get to Tim Tripcony’s actual memorial with his family and friends in the Atlanta area. But here’s the thing, Tim has friends all over the world. So here’s what I’m going to do:

This Sunday evening, May 18th, starting at 5:30ish in the Bethlehem Pa area,  I’ll be getting together with Chris Toohey and Jesse Gallagher. We’re going to toast our friend*, maybe tell a story or 2 and then probably talk some XPages and whatever.

We’d like to invite anyone to join us for a very informal low-key event.  If we get enough interest one of the topics will be if we want to try and meet again for a more formal-ish “XPages and Beer” type learning event.

I feel that the best way to honor our friend is to continue to practice what he did every single day:

Learn. Code. Share

Again this is open to all whether you knew Tim personally, read his blog, or are just interested in talking XPages with like minded people.

If you are wanting to attend, please let me know ASAP – (dleedy @ notesin9)  so I can try and get a count for the possible venue – most likely at:  If you can’t make it on Sunday but are interested in a possible future event please let me know that as well.

UPDATE: Venue Changed to:


* I personally will not be toasting with a White Russian simply because I don’t know how to drink “big boy” drinks and also don’t like coffee.  🙂


Tim Tripcony

This weekend I was working on a NotesIn9 from Tim Tripcony that I’ve been sitting on for a couple of weeks. I pinged him on Skype this morning to ask a question. I was literally just about to start rendering the video when I got word that he has passed away.

Here’s the linked in post from Scott Hooks

Tim was my friend.  My heart breaks over this news.

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

I want to be more eloquent but simply can’t.  I can barely breath.

I would like to put this idea out…  if anyone wants to send me any audio stories or memories of Tim, I’d like to put them together and publish them. just email me: dleedy @ notesin9

Here is one of my few pictures of the two of us.  It’s also my favorite.  Taken from the 2010 blogger photo.  Tim standing next to my putting his chin on my shoulder.



Community XPages

XPages: The Best of Times,The Worst of Times

If you’re reading this you probably already know that I like working with XPages. It’s a great tool that lets me provide business solutions to my company in a timely manner. There’s also a really really good community behind it. A lot of great people sharing wonderful information these days and I’m happy to try and contribute a little bit to it.

But I think the XPages community has suffered a big  loss lately and I thought it was worth mentioning. Recently, at least 3 KEY IBMers have moved on or out of the XPages realm.

We lost Paul Hannan a little bit ago as he moved onto new challenges in IBM. Notes in the cloud or something. Honestly I forget what it was. So he’s still close, but out of the XPages App Dev world.

A couple of days ago Phil Riand announced he was leaving IBM for something new. As far as I know Phil has been the driving force behind not only XPages itself, but the Extension Library, the very recent XPages4Bootstrap project with Mark Leusink, and I’m sure a whole lot more. Heck it was pretty much a single tweet from Phil that got the XPages Extension Library book on it’s path. And who was the key IBMer with that book? Paul Hannan!

Then today Simon O’Doherty announced he was moving to the Watson team. Don’t know who Simon is? He’s a level 2 support engineer at IBM for Notes/Domino App Dev issues. But even more then that Simon went out of his way to answer questions to the community. A quick check on Stack OverFlow shows him answering 166 questions! Wow! He does not get enough credit for his contributions to Notes/Domino App Dev.

I want to personally thank Paul, Phil and Simon for their contributions to the community.  I know they will succeed in whatever they do.

But with 3 very engaged and high profile IBMers leaving the XPages world that just seems concerning to me.

Clearly the Worst of times?

Or maybe not.

We also got out a brand new book this week. Mastering XPages 2nd Edition! Written by the App Dev team itself. There’s a TON of new content in it and I’m looking forward to digging into it. Maybe now I’ll finally understand the JSF Lifecycle. haha

In other news Mark Leusink recently updated the very important XPages Bootstrap project. Oliver Busse released a helper project for that – a template that I’m interested to check out.

Over on OpenNTF there’s been recent releases of the Unplugged XPages Mobile Controls, XPages Extension Library, XPages OpenLog Logger and more.

In my little corner of the world people still watch NotesIn9. The recent Java/JavaScript throwdown show was very well received, I have a show from Tim Tripcony to process and tons of my own show ideas that I just need to get time for. It astounds me that my Introduction to XPages show from way back in 2010 is still typically in the top 5 show downloads for the month. I have to believe that this is an indication of new people trying to get up to speed on XPages. I would like to revisit and update that show some point soon.

Clearly the Best of Times?

Which is it? The Best or the Worst of Times?

Ok so some key IBM’ers left. That in itself is not the end of the world.  I guess my biggest concern there is these three were EXTREMELY outgoing to the community. I really hope additional IBMer’s step up and take their place otherwise it’s a huge loss.

I hope IBM realizes that with their official XPages documentation “lacking”, and their plan of Documentation by “Community wiki” somewhat, shall I say, “misguided”, that the best thing they can do is encourage their key experts to engage in the community so we can get questions answered and information published. IBM preaches Social. I hope they know it’s not just about budgets, and spreadsheets. It’s not just about writing Social software but its also important for IBMers to interact with customers and business partners to share knowledge and mutually work together to make something that’s better then the sum of it’s parts.

I’m hopeful that what is happening is that XPages is just catching its breath. Some people want new challenges and others are hopefully waiting in the wings. If any IBMer wants to share something and needs help in publishing via a blog post, NotesIn9 or something else then please just let me know. I’m happy to assist with that. Just reach out. I’m pretty easy to find.

For me, I’m hopefully just catching my breath as well.  I have the best job in the world but man am I busy.  Home life isn’t any slower as the kids school year starts the final stretch.  But I’m trying to gear up for a push to at least get to 150 shows and maybe another surprise or two as well.

I’m going to call it the Best of Times.

Community Notes In 9

Wow! Show 141 Recap/

I’ll admit I was a little nervous about the last show.  It’s been a long time since I got a little “Rowdy” on the show.  Maybe too long.

First I want to thank everyone for all the feedback via comments, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  I think this is the first NotesIn9 that someone (Russ Maher) actually live tweeted while watching. Thanks for the kind feedback to my kids as well.  We all had a good time making the show.  Though I am worried they might actually want to Unionize!

I also want to thank Mark Roden for the original post (See it at: )  There’s a lot of great comments there and it’s a good topic for the community. He was such a good sport with me having some fun at his expense.  Don’t miss his followup post and awesome VIDEO here:  

Wonderful stuff!!

While I always wanted NotesIn9 to be about the content and never about “me”.  The response to the show makes me wonder if over the years it’s gotten too “sterile”.  I used to add a little more fun here and there in the early episodes.  I’ll be pondering that for a bit.

I don’t have great stats overall, but I know that this show hit 500 views/downloads in about 24 hours.  I’m pretty sure that’s a record for me.  That tells me something very important.  That you all like my kids more then you do me! hahaha

So in order to give you a little kid “encore”, I’m posting the links to a couple of videos I made with them a while back.  – XPages.Info Commercial – Sharepoint vs Domino  (Matt is playing “the Cousin from Texas”)


Thanks for watching!




Paul Hannan, The XPagers Champion

Recently Niklas Heidloff posted a lot of sessions related to XPages /IBM Domino application Development.

There are Thirty-Six (36) sessions listed.  The majority appear to me to be directly related to XPages itself.

There’s simply a TON of great XPages content at the conference and there will be lot of great IBMers from the XPages team attending. I see IBM is sending some big names right off the bat:  Martin Donnelly, Padraic Edwards, Eamon Muldoon and Tony McGuckin. I see Phillippe Riand, who to me will always be awesome and inspiring. I consider him the “Father of XPages”. Hanging with him beats hanging with Ray Ozzie the “Father of Notes” any day of the week.

But today I want to talk about Paul Hannan.

In my experience Paul Hannan is without a doubt the most visible “IBM XPager Community member”.  He reaches out all the time to people in need.  When I have a problem he’s first in line to ask for a demo so he can take a look. Heck he asks to help more often then I can accept his help. Usually by the time he finds out there’s a problem and contacts me, I’ve been so frustrated I just move on and do something a different way. So I don’t get a proper demo built for him for him to look into.  That’s actually one of my New Year resolutions.  To get better at tracking problems down.

Paul has been a friend to me and NotesIn9 since the earliest days. While I’ve been unsuccessful at getting him, or ANY member of the core XPages team on the show***, Paul has given me behind the scenes help on several episodes.  I think the first time he had involvement with the show was 5 years ago, in episode #007:

If I recall correctly, Paul heard about my issue of the day, got involced and even went to another IBMer, Marie Kehoe, to get a really good answer that I was able to share back out.  Back then we all struggled with XPages and it was amazing to get any help, let alone help from inside IBM.

Paul once even sent a problem I was having to Phillipe Riand himself. Unfortunately that was not an XPages bug that I thought it was.  It was a bug with my code and that embarrassment has haunted me ever since.  haha

Paul has also been involved in the original and recently updated XPages Mobile Controls Tutorial  as well as the XPages Extension Library demo database. I’m sure he’s done tons more that I don’t even know about.

He even was kind enough to give assistance to my daughter, who was in 4th grade at the time, for a report she had to do on Holiday traditions from Ireland.

His biggest contribution to the community may have been in the writing of the XPages Extension Library Book.  I recall that during a Lotusphere,  Phillipe Riand made some tweet about needing a book.  Then Paul got involved along with some non IBM XPages community members and made it happen.

I wonder if that could have happened if Paul had not attended the conference that year? 

I ask this because it’s my understanding that Paul is NOT going to IBM Connect this year. I’m not sure why.  I would hope that it would be a job requirement for at least him to be there.  I can understand that the whole team can’t always go.  Heck I’ve no idea how big the team even is.  But Paul is the only one that I know of the consistently connects with the community.

Another great IBMer that reaches out often is Simon O’Doherty.  I really hope he’ll be there.

The “IBM Champion” program excludes actual IBMers.  If IBM’ers were allowed to participate I would gladly give up my place for Paul.  He’s a true champion in every sense of the word. He’s the XPagers Champion!

You’ll be missed sir.  We will drink and code in your honor!

*** Oh yeah XPages Team.  Fair warning!  We’ll be discussing that issue!  haha

Community Notes In 9

Big NotesIn9 News!!

So for the last several weeks I’ve been teasing on Twitter “.25” and “1/4”.  I’m excited to now reveal what the heck I was talking about.

NotesIn9 has now reached 1/4 of a MILLION downloads!

I think saying “1/4 of a Million” just sounds way cooler then 250,000.

Anyway – as always thanks to all the great contributors that have given their time to help the show!!

Lots more content coming very soon.

Thanks for watching!