
My XPages Brain Freeze

Well I screwed up yesterday… spent WAY too long on something in XPages because I still suffer from “Classic Notes Muscle Memory”. So I just thought I’d mention this in case someone else ever does this maybe they’re catch it quicker.

In XPages you can separate your code application from your data storage databases very nicely. This is something you really can’t do in notes client development and I find myself seperating logic and date quite often. In this example I have a NSF file with code needed for an iPad Mobile web application. But all the data is in a different database. Separating your code from your data is really seamless and nice to work with. This isn’t a big deal at all, until you get so into the coding that you actually forget where your data is.

I spent way to long yesterday on a piece of code in Java that was supposed to save a document. It was right, I knew it was right but it just didn’t work. Probably every XPager knows that feeling.

Anyway it turns out that it worked fine, but I was simply saving it to the CURRENT database rather then the data database that I needed to. OPPS!! I just completely forgot about the separation.

So the moral of the story is always know where you’re data is supposed to go. 🙂


XPages URL CheatSheet – Draft Version

This really isn’t ready, and I didn’t intend to publish it today, because it’s UGLY, but it looks like someone on the XPages Forum could use it so what the heck.

I’ve been working on an Online “CheatSheet” to help with working with URL’s in XPages. Basically how do you get the value you might need or are looking for.

Again this is rough, and I’m FAR from an expert at this stuff so I’ll just ask if people have particular code snippets for this kinda thing, please let me know and I’ll update this page.

here it is:

XPages URL CheatSheet – (Early Draft)


Lotus Notes Baseball Ad.

As part of the XPages.TV redesign I wanted the ability to play a pre-roll ad at some point. Well you need to test that so I figured I needed an “ad” to play with.

This ad ran a little long so I won’t be using it on the site, but still, maybe you’ll get a kick out of it.

Lotus Notes Baseball Ad

Community Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 068 XPages Media Library Application

In this show I go over my new OpenNTF contribution – The XPages Media Library. This demo is basically a how to use and setup the application.

Community XPages

XPages.TV upgraded and OpenNTF Contribution

This morning I upgraded the XPages.TV site to a new codebase that is more of an actual application then the single XPage the old site was.

Last night I made my first ever contribution to OpenNTF by contributing this code. I call it XPages Media Library. This is a full application I’ve been working on for a while. The purpose of the app is to be able to present Videos and Audio Media to users and make it easy to find and consume content. I’ve wanted to make improvements for a LONG time.

While my focus is on XPages.TV, it’s designed to be able to host multiple “shows/categories” with multiple authors and contributors. So for example this could be used for an internal corporate training library where media files are separated by application or even department.

For the heart of this app I’ve used the Projekktor player as it seems to me to be the best video project out there. And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all of them the last 18 months. 🙂 Projekktor carries a pretty nice GPL 3 license so that’s what the project is as I couldn’t use Apache.

Projekktor is an HTML5 based player with a flash fall back. A key to me is that the videos should play perfectly on most mobile devices, especially iOS devices.

I’ve not included any documentation just yet, I’ll be doing a NotesIn9 on using this very shortly.

There are still a couple of bugs I am working out, especially with the gravatars, and it’s FAR from feature complete so I hope to have updates coming somewhat regularly.

XPages.TV contains a “Feedback” button where you can leave a message for me if you have any problems with the site or videos playing. Please let me know if you have any problems.


Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 56 XPages: Beyond the Introduction

This is actually a “repeat” I guess you would say. I’m posting this again because I realized that I never put this show on it’s own post. It was originally posted here which is kind of buried in a post about about an update to the cheatsheet. So I thought I’d give this a proper post for search engines and Internet tools.

This show is actually a part 2 of my own “XPages Jumpstart”. The first being “Introduction to XPages

This 50ish minute show is very Demo heavy and discusses custom controls, UI Frameworks, Server Side JavaScript (SSJS), Dojo, Repeat Controls, Rendering, and even an early attempt at creating a “Custom Class” with SSJS. Many of the demos are also the basis for and the demo app is downloadable from there as well.

Anyway – in case anyone missed this, here it is.

Ext. Library Learning XPages

New XPages Extension Library book is OUT!

Congrats to the authors!!!

I’ve heard that this book is being delivered now from IBM press. It’s not on amazon just yet but it IS available via Apple’s iBooks store. At least in the US.

I’ve looked at the rough draft of this on Safari Books online, but just look at the list of authors to know that this is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

More on a future NotesIn9!

Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 067 Creating a Custom Control

Chris Toohey, a NEW contributor, comes on the show to talk about how to create a custom control that can play HTML5 audio sources. Whether or not your interested in audio, the methods of creating a custom control are not to be missed.

Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 066 Importing Custom Controls from OpenNTF

In this show I show you how to install the OpenNTF Import/Export project into designer and import and use a custom control. Most of this information has already been covered by Niklas Heidloff on the OpenNTF Blog – and I’ve included some relavent links below.

Also if you’re a Twitter user you might want to consider following @XSnippets to keep up to date with the lastest happenings in the Snippet world.

Mobile Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 065 XPages Mobile Value Picker

In this show Paul Withers from Intec Systems comes back on to talk about Mobile Controls and picking values.