Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 56 XPages: Beyond the Introduction

This is actually a “repeat” I guess you would say. I’m posting this again because I realized that I never put this show on it’s own post. It was originally posted here which is kind of buried in a post about about an update to the cheatsheet. So I thought I’d give this a proper post for search engines and Internet tools.

This show is actually a part 2 of my own “XPages Jumpstart”. The first being “Introduction to XPages

This 50ish minute show is very Demo heavy and discusses custom controls, UI Frameworks, Server Side JavaScript (SSJS), Dojo, Repeat Controls, Rendering, and even an early attempt at creating a “Custom Class” with SSJS. Many of the demos are also the basis for and the demo app is downloadable from there as well.

Anyway – in case anyone missed this, here it is.