Learning XPages XPages

Want to talk XPages?

In case you’ve missed this we have an XPages Slack chat.

Beginners are WELCOME!! If you’re not already there please join, say hello and talk XPages. You don’t need to program alone anymore.

Community XPages

Announcing the XPages Development chat on Slack

If you’ve never heard of Slack, it’s basically a “messaging app for Teams”.  You can access it via the web, desktop application or mobile app. Slack is a persistent chat experience with really good software behind it.  It allows for different “channels” inside the room so we currently have “general”, “beginner”, “advanced” and “random” discussion area.

I little while ago Jesse Gallagher and I setup an XPages Development chat on Slack.  We’ve been playing with it and would now like to make this available to the public.

The goal of the chat is to be a place where people can come together and talk XPages. There’s no good public place to really do this that I know of.  The XPages Forum is a disappointment.  Stack OverFlow wants specific questions and abhors actual “discussions”, and you can’t really start a discussion on someones blog.

So where do you go to just discuss an idea, ask a generic question or even just say hi to like minded individuals? We give you:

Because this is an open invite we do have some rules that are needed to maintain decorum.  Those rules are at the bottom of the post.

How do you join?  Unfortunately email addresses have to be “approved” currently.  There are ways around this but we’ve not really looked into it yet.  So for now just send me an email and I will add you to the group as I FIND THE TIME.  So don’t expect instant access.  🙂

UPDATE: Thanks to Declan Lynch you can now auto join. Please use this link :




XPages Slack Chat Rules

1. No Bitching at all. We are about Doing.

2. Stay close to the XPages topic.  Off topic is allowed in #random. Bitching is never allowed.

3. All content discussed in the chat should be considered public. Do not share code or ideas that you consider private. Do not discuss NDA material.

This is a community chat of XPages enthusiasts and NOT a support group. While questions may be asked do not expect a solution.  If you get one great.  If not then realize that everyone is busy with their day jobs.

The recommended way to ask a question is to post it on StackOverFlow and then post a link to the question in the chat.