Mobile XPages

XPages and iOS8 Situation Update 2 – First Fix

Just to quickly recap the 3 problems that I know about.

1. Uploading photos to a web app doesn’t work.

2. XPages Mobile Controls don’t work

3. An Edit box with Typehead / drop down selection doesn’t work.


Problem 1 is clearly in Apple’s court.  Hopefully that will get fixed in 8.0.1

Problem 2 is being investigated by IBM as we speak.  That’s all I know about that.  I have heard from others that Mobile controls will KINDA work if when tapping you hold your finger down for at least 10 seconds or so.  I’ve seen this work but not constantly for me.

Now the big one.  Issue 3.  We use typeahead a LOT so this is a big one for us as well.  It appears to me that 9.0.1 FixPack 2 completely fixes this!!!  Woo Hoo!!

So if that affects you, or you have other dojo related issues with iOS8 you might want to test FixPack 2 to see if that helps.  Just note that in addition to a more recent version of Dojo it also includes a new CKEditor which has caused some people problems I believe.

Good Luck






XPages and iOS8 Situation – Update 1

1.) JT reports that it might be working somewhat – BUT you need to “hold your tap” for 10-ish seconds.

This was confirmed by others.  Personally I could NOT get this to work even once on my iOS8 iPad 3 but did see it work once on my iPhone 5s.  I would not consider this a workaround.

If anyone cares to try I set up a test page here:

2.) At the day job we created an PMR with IBM labeling this a critical problem.  Since that’s specific to us I can’t share that number but would encourage others to submit this problem report as well.  If you do submit this as a problem IBM might ask for code so they can reproduce it.  I’ve include the XSP code from my test page at the end of this post.

3.) Via a comment on one of my recent blog posts The XPages team is investigating this issue.




<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

<xp:view xmlns:xp=“” xmlns:xe=“”>

<xe:singlePageAppselectedPageName=“Home” id=“singlePageApp1”>

<xe:appPagepageName=“Home” resetContent=“true” id=“appPage1”>


<xe:djxmHeadinglabel=“Home” id=“djxmHeading1”>







<xe:basicLeafNodelabel=“Page 1” href=“#Page1”></xe:basicLeafNode>

<xe:basicLeafNodelabel=“Page 2” href=“#Page2”></xe:basicLeafNode>




<xe:appPagepageName=“Page1” resetContent=“true” id=“appPage2”>


<xe:djxmHeadinglabel=“Page1” back=“Back” moveTo=“Home” id=“djxmHeading2”>







<xe:appPagepageName=“Page2” resetContent=“true” id=“appPage3”>


<xe:djxmHeadinglabel=“Page2” back=“Back” moveTo=“Home” id=“djxmHeading3”>















Mobile XPages

Possible way to fix some of the XPages iOS8 issues.

This information comes from Sven Hasselbach.  I’ve not tried this myself.  Use at your own risk.


You can use other Dojo versions on a server by downloading the current version from

You have to unpack it into data/domino/js, rename it to dojo-1.10.1 and then copy the IBM stuff (folders “ibm” and “template”) to it

Resource Aggregation must be disabled and it requires a restart of the server.

Currently have running dojo 1.10.1 on a 8.5.3 Machine with the XSP of 9.0.0

This is more complex because of the resource aggregation

But keep in mind that this affects all apps on the server (the latest Dojo version found wins)
To prevent this, you can give it a “lower” version number and set it in the application in the XSP properties