Community XPages

“NotesIn9 Live” will be Speed Geeking at Lotusphere

If’ you’re going to Lotusphere one event that shouldn’t be missed is SpeedGeeking on Tuesday night.

What’s SpeedGeeking?  It’s this big room with 12 tables. Each table has 1 presenter.  A host takes the crowd and divides them up between the tables.  Usually by birth month I THINK.

Each presentation is 5 minutes. NO MORE!  The presenters repeat themselves 12 times as everybody goes around to each table.

DRINKING is involved typically.  🙂 It’s a lot of fun and shouldn’t be missed. There’s a host with a microphone so it’s loud and there’s a lot of energy in the room.

Let year I did a presentation on using BluePrint with XPages.  I created a slightly slower version in Episode 11 of NotesIn9.

I thought it was lame to repeat that so I’m going to come with something different this year.  Here’s my abstract:

XPages: The Red Pill

XPages can’t be explained.  It must be seen to be appreciated.  Free your mind of all the rules Client development imposed on you and embrace the power that is XPages.  While Agents do exist in XPages we’ll spend our time looking at Data Binding, Rendering and Repeat Controls.

Hope to see everybody there!


XPages Cheatsheet in other languages?

As I posted yesterday I’m working on an XPages cheat sheet.  Here’s the thing.  I only speak English and some Pennsylvania Dutch. 🙂

If there’s anyone out there that wants to help translate the cheatsheet into another language, like German, or Swedish, or whatever, please let me know and I’d be happy to make a version of it for any particular language. Though that won’t happen before Lotusphere.

Just let me know if you’re interested and we’ll work out the details.



Learning XPages? Here’s how to Cheat.

I won’t bore you with the entire back story of how this got started, so let’s just say that I blame it all on Joyce Davis from the Lotus Technical Education Community. 🙂 Anyway…

Most developers have seen “Cheat Sheets” before. They have them for PHP, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Blueprint CSS…  They even have them for Math subjects like Algebra,Calculus and Trig and other school type subjects…  You can buy pretty ones in bookstores… There are websites devoted to them… I could go on and on. Cheat sheets are everywhere.

So I thought to myself…  Why don’t we have a cheat sheet for XPages?

I think there’s a need for a one.  Anything that helps the XPages developer get a head start is a good thing right?  Heck, that’s the whole point of the NotesIn9 Podcast really.

So, several weeks ago I took it upon myself to ATTEMPT to create a cheat sheet for XPages.  This is the reason for the lack of NotesIn9 shows recently actually.  There’s only so many spare hours in the day.  🙂

Anyway, it’s not quite finished yet, but I wanted to post this early so people know to look for it at Lotusphere.  Joyce is getting them printed and will be giving them away.  It will be printed on 11×17 paper, both sides, and can be folded into a booklet. They will be available at the VideoFest Lounge which will be near the escalator I think.  They will also be available at the very least in my session with Paul Withers, “XPages: Enter the Dojo” as well as Tim Clark and Matt White’s session, and hopefully some others.  I’ll also try and have some on hand for speedgeeking.

This couldn’t have been done without the wonderful resources of the Lotus Community.  The bulk of the information came from various websites and blog posts.  I leaned heavily on Julian Buss’s great  Thanks Julian!  I also got many suggestions for improvements from my friends like Jeremy Hodge, Mark Hughes, Per Henrik Lausten, Kathy Brown, Mike McGarel and MANY others.

This will be available at Lotusphere and of course it’ll be on the web somewhere.  Probably in some of the wikis.  I’m not posting the full versions just yet simply because there’s still things getting adjusted and I have to test some of the code that I’m not familiar with. But rest assured this will be made available to all by Lotusphere

I hope this will be valuable resource for the XPages Developers out there.

Community Uncategorized

Lotus Community

I’m a big fan of the Lotus Community, especially the monthy meetings. We’ll now they’re asking for some feedback on how you might participate on the meetings for 2011.

Please checkout this poll from Joyce Davis who is @LotusTechInfo on Twitter.

Notes In 9 XPages

NotesIn9 – 021 – Combine Client and Server Side Code

In this episode I’m going to give thanks to two people who helped me with the content for this show.

First I’ll be talking about a bug in XPages dealing with Dates – specifically @Now(). Then I’ll show how to use the onComplete event handler to combine Server Side and Client Side Code.

Java Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 054: Intro To Java for XPages Developers – Part 3

In this show Jeremy Hodge comes back to continue his ongoing series on helping XPages Developers get started with Java.

If you like this video, please give it a rating for the Lotus VideoFest event.


Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 – 020 – Adding Woopra Analytics to XPages Apps

Woopra allows you to have live tracking and Analytics for your website. In this show I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to add Woopra to your XPages applications.

Extended Edition Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9 053: Intro to Java for XPages Developers Part 2

This is the second show of the Intro to Java for XPages Developers series. Once again, Jeremy Hodge from comes on the show to help us learn how to integrate Java into our Xpages programming.

Extended Edition Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 052: Introduction to Java for XPages Developers

I’ve very excited to announce that for today’s show I have Jeremy Hodge on as a guest speaker! Jeremy is a great developer and friend to the Notes Community. He’s contributed many articles over on and his own blog is found here.

Starting with this episode, Jeremy is going to do a series of videos that is designed to Introduce Java to the XPages Developer.

I’ve been wanting to have a guest speaker on the show for a while and Jeremy’s done a a great job out of the gate with this very timely content. This really came from a couple of posts over on Sasa Brkic’s Blog last week.

I hope you like this Extended Edition.

Learning XPages Podcast Uncategorized XPages

NotesIn9 051: Introduction to XPages

This is a screencast of the Introduction to XPages Session that I presented at MWLug.  It runs a little over an hour.  The first half is mostly slides and discussion on what XPages is.  The second half is all demo of using XPages inside Domino Designer.

This is a pure intro session and I assume you are a Notes developer but really have no knowledge of XPages.

Demo Application