Learning XPages Podcast Uncategorized XPages

Notes in 9 – 017 – Control Rendering in XPages

In today’s show we’re going to go back to XPages and look at how to a scoped variable, Partial Page refresh, and the Rendering property to control with something is written to the browser or not. For Notes Client developers this is going to be like working with “Hide-When’s” in the Notes Client.

This concludes “NotesIn9 Week”. I hope you liked the shows. I did 3 XPage shows, 1 End User, and 1 traditional Notes Client. So hopefully there was something for everybody.


Notes in 9 will do SpeedGeeking

I recently found out that I’ve been chosen to participate in “SpeedGeeking”.  This is a really fun event where there a a LOT of tables and speakers at the tables will present on a topic for 5 minutes.  After 5 minutes the audience changes tables and the presentations start all over again.  I was at this event last year and it as a LOT of fun.  If you’re at Lotusphere please stop by.  It’s loud and and quite roudy.

I’ll be presenting on XPages.  With only 5 minutes available I consider it “Notes in 5”. I’m really looking forward to it.

Once all is said and done I’ll definately be screencasting this, so for those of you not at Lotusphere, you’ll get to see my attempt at speedgeeking very shortly.


Notes in 9 Happenings


I wanted to announce a couple of happenings for the screencast:

The first is that I finally have a domain dedicated to Notes in 9! This will be the best place to find updates on future shows.  Shortly, I hope to be back on iTunes and will then add a button specific for iTunes subscriptions for those who prefer to get the shows that way.  I’ll still be posting on YouTube of course, but would like to have these other avenues for your convenience.

Secondly I want to announce that I’ve joined Chris Miller and his Spiked Studio Productions, which is a new network for niche podcasts.  I couldn’t be happier to be on board. Chris has already been instrumental in helping me get the new domain up and running and I can’t thank him enough!

What this means:

Affiliating with Spiked Studio Productions lets me do a couple of things.  Chris is assisting me with a LOT of the admin work that has been bogging me down of late.  This should allow me to get back to producing more shows, especially since the recent XPages webinar that I did for Lotus Education Online is over and the Tri-State LUG speaking engagement is drawing to a close.

Additionally, now that YouTube will not be my only outlet, I hope to, on occasion, produce some longer shows.  Now that Domino Designer is free, there’s an opportunity for some new blood to start using Notes and I might do some “Extended Edition” shows for topics that need more time then 9 minutes.

As always, thanks so much for watching!

David Leedy