In this episode I welcome Serdar Besegmez, an IBM Champion and new contributor to the show. Serdar will come on to talk about DOTS. DOTS is way for you to create your own server tasks. Very fast and very powerful.
While this topic is a little more on the advanced scale, I think Serdar has done an excellent job of walking through the concepts of DOTS and then showing how to setup your development environment and finally how to run it on the server. He highlights additional resources such as a Show-&-Tell from Lotusphere2012 and even shows a key tip on outputting messages to the console.
In this show Paul Calhoun returns with a good one. Paul will demonstrate how to use the Dojo Enhanced Data Grid in your applications. What this does is add a little eye candy and a lot of functionality to your XPages. If you sometimes you need a little more then a static table on a web page from a view or repeat control then the enhanced Data Grid might be just what you’re looking for.
What’s really nice about this video is Paul will show you how to implement this on 8.5.3 and even pre-8.5.3 servers!
I think it’s always worth remembering that even though XPages comes with a lot of core controls, and the Ext. Library/Upgrade Pack add a LOT more to that list, there is much more functionality built into the Dojo Framework and that comes pre-installed on every XPage server.
In this show I will demonstrate how to install the YourKit Java profiling application on your Domino server. This application is used to detail the inner workings of the server and your XPages applications. Specifically it is supposed to help find memory leaks. Because the Domino objects that XPages use are based on Java and not LotusScript you must be aware of this and you must recycle Domino Objects. This is especially crucial in loops like “for” and “while”.
This is an odd show because I really don’t know much about this yet. I recorded the show at 5:30PM my time. I asked my first question about how to get started at 3:30PM. Nathan T Freeman very kindly got me started in the right direction so I could install it. So big thanks to Mr. NTF himself!!! Thanks to Jeremy Hodge as well for posting a key comment on Sean Cull’s blog.
So this show took 2 hours from beginning to learn about this for the first time to recording what I got so far – the install. I only mention that because I talk to a lot of potential contributors and commonly hear things like “I’m not an expert” or “I don’t know anything worth sharing”. So I’m trying to disprove that. I don’t yet really know how to check for memory leaks, which is the ultimate goal here, but so far I at least know how to install the evaluation copy of the YourKit app. I hope that this helps anyone else with the install. My plan is to do a second show relatively soon where I better demo how to use this app to find leaks. I just need to figure it out myself first. 🙂
This is a different show NotesIn9. I’m basically re-broadcasting a Google Hangout that Chris Toohey put together with a couple of us discussing XPages. The panel includes Paul Calhoun and Russ Maher as well as myself and Chris. So no real tips here. Just about 50 minutes worth of XPages talk.
Chris might continue to do these with different people or topics. So if you want to keep up with that then follow him on twitter or via his website. I don’t currently plan on rebroadcasting any more via NotesIn9. I’m just doing it here because
1. It’s new and I want to make sure people know about this.
2. Everybody on the show is a Ni9 Alumni! Yay!!!
3. This makes it easy for someone to download it off line until Chris comes up with his own solution
4. It’s an easy show to help me get to that magic 99 number! haha
In this show, Kate, a NotesIn9 viewer, emailed me about a problem she was having. Kate is new to XPages and she was able to create a cut down database showing the problem. She sent it to me so I could take a look at it. While she thought the problem was related to scoped variables it was really in how she was using the link control.
In this show I’ll explain the problem and solution as well has how to troubleshoot it and where to go for help.
Disclaimer: I always try and answer email from viewers – but I only very rarely actively troubleshoot a problem like this. Kate needed help and I needed a show idea. So a win/win. 🙂 I will always TRY and help where I can – but for highly technical questions/problems I recommend tag “xpages” or the XPages Forum.
In this episode we welcome another a brand new contributor! I’m excited to get Martin Meijer on the show to talk about the XPages Google Maps custom control that he created for He’ll show what you can do with it and how to use it.
In this show Brian Moore returns to talk to us about using the XPages REST custom control. This control is found in either the Update Pack or the Ext. Library itself. He also talks a bit about using JSON and validating and testing your JSON and REST code.
In other notes, I was recently featured on the Taking Notes Podcast. This is a podcast run by Bruce Elgort and Julian Robichaux. Past NotesIn9 contributors, Paul Calhoun and Marky Roden were also on as well. We had a great discussion on NotesIn9 and I want to thank Bruce, Julian, Paul and Marky for their time and interest!
Lastly, while we were recording the show I noticed that we hit 150,000 total downloads/views of NotesIn9 content. That’s pretty good I think for XPages based material and I keep seeing increasing interest in the technology.
Big thanks to all the contributors for making this all possible!
In this show Russ Maher concludes his three part series on sharing Bean data inside your XPages applicaton. In today’s show he’ll talk about using Managed Properties.
Over the course of this series Russ has taught us a lot about Beans, Java, XPages/JSF concepts like variable resolvers and now Managed Properties for Beans.
I want to thank Russ very much for contributing all this great material to NotesIn9. I really appreciate it and I’m sure others have as well.
In this show Russ Maher comes back on with the 2nd part his 3 part series on creating and working with Java managed Beans in XPages. While the purpose of this episode is to share data between multiple beans, and it’s not a pure “getting started with beans”, there’s a lot of good beginner information in here on how you can use beans and Russ also does a really good discussion on Java Maps. I like that he even talks about this code:
and describes what each piece really means. Russ will also introduce the concept of variable resolver which seems to be very popular with the advanced XPages developers.
This content should not be missed for an XPages Developer.
This show is the first part in a 3 part series from another new contributor to NotesIn9. I’m very excited to bring onto the show Russ Maher who is an excellent XPages developer and speaker. Russ is going to show us how you can use Managed beans to solve a business problem in XPages.
Since this show is once again talking about Java I mention some resources on getting started with the Java Language, especially in learning the syntax. I’ve used the Head First Java book and liked it very much but recently I found a great new website designed to teach the Java Language.
This site is run by Trevor Page. I think it absolutely rocks. It’s has great getting started with Java information that’s very well written in an easy to follow manner. Trvor also does a Podcast and has produced a really good ebook on the subject. I highly recommend checking his site out for anyone who’s starting to learn Java.
He also has a site specifically setup for his Java ebook here: You can download a sample and check it out. I bought it as soon as it came out and it’s really well done.
There’s lots more Java XPages material coming to NotesIn9 as well as non Java shows. Remember, as Paul Calhoun likes to say, “Java is just a tool in your XPages toolbox”. I think it’s a really good tool to have.