In this show an Fredrik Norling, and IBM Champion and awesome develolper, comes on NotesIn9 for the very FIRST time!
Frederik, is going to give us a really good and indepth demo on using the new SSJS debugger of Designer 9.0. This isn’t just a getting started, but an indepth guide on using it. Not to be missed!
I also announce my next “event” in the show. It’s called “XPages Mobile Madness”. Basically I want to get a bunch of mobile related shows on. I’ll talk about this more in a seperate blog post.
In this show John Jardin returns with a good demonstration on how to not only install the free Domino Designer, but how to actually find it on IBM’s website. He even show’s you how to get started creating a database.
Also a big Happy Birthday to a great person and NotesIn9 contributor – Mr. Russ Maher!!!
In this show Paul Calhoun returns with a great video on how to get started using Apache FOP to create PDF’s from XPages. Apache FOP has potentially better licensing terms then iText which has been mentioned on some previous NotesIn9’s. So it’s something you might want to look at for PDF creation.
Welcome to the 100th Episode!!! This show is pretty much my actual session from IBM Connect. Unfortunately there were no room monitors and I ended up running a little long.
Here is the original Abstract:
XPages Development: Modernize yourself!
Theres a lot of tools available to the XPages Developer. @Formulas, Server and Client side JavaScript, Expression Language, Java, and even Source Control are the tools of the trade these days. But which tools should you use? Which should be avoided and why? Come to this session and learn about their strengths and weaknesses. See how easy it is to go from @Formulas and LotusScript to JavaScript. Learn how to get started with new tools and concepts like Java and Source Control. Find out what resources are available to go further. Before you can modernize your applications you need to modernize yourself!
In this show I look at several really important topics for the XPages Developer. I talk about how you need to change you’re thinking when approaching XPages applications and why that’s important. I also talk about the different languages in XPages and how similar some are and when you should use some instead of others.
In the beginning of this show, in what I think is the most important part really, I talk about how you can actually learn more about XPages by SHARING more! Bascially I implore you to either blog, or post to the forum or wiki. And for your convenience I’ve already anticipated your excuses for not doing so and succesfully debunked them all. haha
That section starts at 24:52. So if you do nothing else – watch that little bit please. I think it’s that important.
In the code section near the end I talk about Expression Language and show you how to use that and even Custom Language. But the best bit I think is how to use a Managed Java bean to toggle between Edit and Read mode for your fields and save data from the Bean itself.
The bad part about this show is that I ran WAY too long. People always say you talk faster live and here’s proof. This 60 minute session became an 80 minute NotesIn9! This actually beats my 73 minute Introduction to XPages show. I really thought about throwing this away since it’s so long but the Intro to XPages is my most popular show. So since this is done, I figure I’ll release this and see what happens. I’ve actually reviewed this to try and see what happened, and other then a little stumble or two I don’t think it’s too bad. I did get lost for a minute in the demo section… it was late.
So anyway, I’m sorry this is so long, but here it is. I hope you like it.
This is it! The end of the road! This show concludes the NotesIn9 “Drive to 99” event. As I mention on the show, a huge thanks to all the contributors! Without them this wouldn’t have happened. I was especially excited to be able to add 8 brand new contributors as part of this event.
Drive to 99 ran about 90 days and it added over 10 hours of new content in 28 shows. It exceeded my goals and hopes in every way.
Special shoutout to Paul Calhoun who won the Most Valuable Contributor award!! Thanks Paul!
In this show Dan O’Connor returns! Dan is the lead for the Domino Designer product and he will demonstrate some of the new features that are in the public beta that should be available for download on Dec 14th.
I thought it was really appropriate to have a Designer 9 preview for the 99th show! I believe this is the first public look at the actual public beta code that will be released on Dec. 14th. Big thanks to Dan and IBM for allowing this to happen.
There’s a lot in here for the XPages developer. The main event though has to be the SSJS Debugger!!!! That’s right. We’re getting a Server Side JavaScript Debbuger!!
In this episode Paul Calhoun returns with a great show on exporting XPages Data using the Apache POI project. There’s been some examples of how to export to Excel already on NotesIn9 but this is different. Apache POI is capable of making TRUE Excel binary files where the previous example relied on creating an HTML table for import. If you want to export to Excel or Word, this is the way to do it.
This is show 98!!! It’s almost over! Tomorrow I’ll finish the DriveTo99 event with a very special and I think timely show. I’ll always be announcing an award on the show. Please don’t miss tomorrows 99th episode of NotesIn9!
In this show Russ Maher returns to give us a really cool lesson on jQuery. He’ll demonstrate how to use it to enhance your abilitity to do “Hide/When” on your web page based on the value of something like a checkbox or radio button.
I know jQuery is something I want to get into a little more myself.
IBM Champion and popular speaker Paul Withers returns to NotesIn9 with an interesting look at ways to bridge the gap with new XPages skills and classic Notes Client design elements. In this show he’ll demonstrate techniques on using Domino Designer to search and even replace classic design elements like forms, views, action bars and agents.
In this show, new contributor and IBM Champion Mark Leusink stops by to give us an introduction to his amazing XPages Debug Toolbar. This project won the 3rd OpenNTF contest and is something that I use regularly in my applications. Anything that makes developing XPages applications easier is a great thing to me! 🙂
UPDATE: Note in the show slides I mispelled Marks Contact information. His email is: m.leusink at and his blog is: I inserted a u after the q that shouldn’t be there.
I’m excited about today’s show as I’ve been wanting to get this topic on for a long time. This episode also continues a string of NEW contributors to NotesIn9.
I’m very pleased to welcome Sean Cull to NotesIn9. Today Sean will demonstrate how to install CentOS Linux and the Domino 8.5.3 server so you can have your own development environment. I’m a big fan of development environments. If you’re still developing on a production server you really should reconsider that. A good Dev server is worth it’s weight in Gold.
Even though CentOS is techically not supported, it’s almost a perfect clone of Red Hat which is supported. Since CentOS is free, it’s a pretty good solution for a development server. I used to run this myself a long time ago.
Sean is working with Domino 8.5.3 and Upgrade Pack 1. I would imagine that installing Domino 9, which is due out in December 14th as a Public Beta, would have a very similar installation. 🙂