Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 140: SourceTree Deep Dive

In this episode Paul Withers comes back on the show for a deeper look at using SourceTree and Git Flow. This comes from the session he did with Declan Lynch at IBM Connect.  In that session they ran out of time so this should fill in some of the missing pieces that they didn’t get to cover.

I use SourceTree and HG Flow which is the Mercurial version of Git Flow in my Day Job all the time.  While there are some quirks due to Designer and you do need to be careful and understand what’s going on, it is a really nice Source Control solution and I recommend it to any Developer.

Information on the original SNT session which included slides on setting up local servers if you don’t want to use something like BitBucket or GitHub can be found here:

P.S. I’m sitting at the Philly airport and uploaded this show from my iPhone.  Don’t ya just love technology sometimes?  haha

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 139: XPages Single Copy Design

In this show, Andrew Barickman, a great new contributor comes on to talk to use about the performance benefits of the “Single Copy Design”.  He focuses on the performance benefits, not only for a web application but also for XPages In the Notes Client – XPiNC.

Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 136: Using XPages with Bootstrap 3 and FontAwesome

Ok enough Java.  We need something that even Marky Roden might like!

In this show Tim Tripcony returns to end out “Tim Tripcony week” on NotesIn9.  He’ll give a demo on how you can start using Bootstrap 3 and Font Awesome with your XPages applications.  He’ll do so by using themes and a content delivery network.

Really good stuff!!

Java Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 135: Using Java in XPages Part4

Tim Tripcony returns again for another great show in his Java series.  Today he’ll be introducing the concept of a “MimeBean”.  A “MimeBean” gives the ability to save Java Objects inside a notes field.  It opens up many new possibilities for storing data in your applications.

Not to be missed!

Java Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 134: Using Java with XPages Part 3

In this show Tim Tripcony continues his series of exploring the use of Java with your XPages application.  Today’s show discusses linking buttons to Java, dealing with ReadOnly properties and how to deal with explilcit getters and setters – but only when you want to!

There’s even a little more Bootstrap goodness in here!

Java Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9 133: Using Java in XPages Part 2

In this show, Tim Tripcony expounds on the last episode where I did a very basic CRUD example that’s based on Java binding rather then document binding.

I had mentioned one of the problems with building the java classes was that I would create getters and setters for each field. Tim’s going to show how you can build your code to avoid that. He also improves the CRUD example with a little BootStrap Magic!

Tim will return for Part 3 tomorrow!!

Java Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 132: Using Java in XPages Part 1

Ok.  There’s a lot going on in this show so let’s get started:

This show came from a Skype Chat I had with Tim Tripcony.  The goal here is a series that focuses on how you actually use xpages and java beans together.  We want to show how to bind to Java Objects instead of documents and actually use them.  This is not a full “app” but more of a CRUD example.  We didn’t want to distract too much from the core concept of linking XPages to Java Beans directly.

Of course I failed at that as since Tim was using source control for this I wanted to start the show with source control.  So you can see me bring the project down and create not only the .ntf but also the .nsf file.  So if that’s not too interesting to you skip it.  the Java stuff starts around the 15 minute mark I think.

I did do some editing to cut out some other parts that weren’t needed.  So there’s a pretty poor transition in there at one point. One of the things I cut out was how Tim was using Themes to pull Bootstap 3 into his app from a CDN.  So if you’re interested in Bootstrap you might want to download the app and check that out!  Clever.  Beats putting it into the NSF.

Today is actually my birthday.  So as a gift to the community I wanted to get this show out and start this series.  Jesse Gallagher asked if that I was doing a Hobbit Style Birthday.  Where a Hobbit gives out gifts on their birthday.  Wish I would have thought of it that way.  Typical Jesse – usually 3 steps ahead of me.

Anyway – I hope you like the show.

P.S. This show is at another new resolution. 1440×900 I believe.  I’m having trouble getting my  Parallels VM to use my normal 1280×720 resolution.  It works great for my work VM but not my NotesIn9 VM.  Really weird.  I do like the bigger resolution since you know…  it’s Designer and all that.  So I might try to keep this.  I don’t know.  But PLEASE let me know if you have problems viewing the show or reading any code.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 131: Use SourceTree for better XPages Source Control

In previous NotesIn9’s I’ve talked about using Source Control inside Domino Designer.  Well today it all changes! Whatever I said before..  forget it!

The great Jedi master Yoda once said:  “You must unlearn what you have learned”. I’m officially calling a “Do Over” and we’re going to start from scratch with Source Control.

This show focuses on using Source Control but in a whole new way.  Rather then trying to control it from inside Domino Designer we’re going to use a really great FREE external application called “SourceTree”.

This app supports Git and Mercurial and has built in “HG Flow” which really should take a lot of pain out of creating branches and releases.

I ATTEMPT to demo how to install SourceTree, how to use it with your XPages Applications and how to push it to the server and pull an application back down from the server.

This is an early video.  I’ve only barely started using this myself but I wanted to get this out right away for our internal development team as well as anyone else who’s interested. It took me a while to “get it” and I want to spare anyone the pain that I went through.  I will do a followup video as needed.

Big thanks go out to Nathan T. Freeman, Russ Maher and Declan Lynch for their help which led to this video.

Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 130: Using XPages Type Ahead for Navigation.

In this episode Tim Tripcony makes a brilliant return to the show with a great demo on using “Fancy Typeahead” as navigation.  This builds on some previous examples on Type Ahead that you might want to look at as well.

— This is the really important one for Fancy Typeahead

P.S. This show has been released at a different resolution.  I usually try and stay with 1280×720 but Tim’s demo was 1980×1080.  Bigger is better when working in Designer so please let me know what you think.  If the resolution is ok or if it cases a problem.  If it’s all ok then maybe I don’t need to keep worrying about staying within the 1280×720.  Let me know what you think!

Community Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9 129: #ThanksBruce

In this show I take a few moments to thank Bruce Elgort for everything he’s done, not only for me personally, but for the Domino Community as a whole.