In this show I gave a brief introduction to Database properties and most importantly to Access Control lists for the database.
There’s nothing really* here for the experienced Notes developer but if you’re new to the platform you might find the talk on the Access Control lists interesting.
In this show I continue setting up the programming environment by installing Source Tree and pulling down a project that we’ll be using later in the series.
My plan is to try and emulate real life, and real life needs some good quality source control so I will ideally be doing a lot of different things with source control along the way.
In this show I take a look at adding additional tools to your toolbox. Specifically we’re going to grab some great projects from Among them are:
When I talked about the OpenNTF Essentials. I didn’t realize there were 2 projects. The “runtime” and the “toolbox”. I was referring to the runtime even though I had clicked on the toolbox.
I filmed a bunch of shows on a day I was under the weather and having some Asthma issues. So the mic picked up more “breathing” then usual. Hopefully that’s not too annoying.
This show beings my great experiment. I’ve wanted to do this for a couple of years actually. I’m going to ATTEMPT to start from scratch and build an XPages Application.
I’m going to assume that the viewer has little to no knowledge of Domino Development. I’ve gotten a bunch of emails from people brand new to the platform so the beginning shows are kinda geared for them. I’m really trying to start from square one.
When I get into the Application build – which won’t be till the 5th show I believe, I’m going to TRY and build a “typical” XPages application – Companies, contacts, Activities… stuff like that. But when I do get into the App build, It’s going to be built with a heavy preference for Java and Managed Beans. Why? Must I use Java to build this kind of application? Absolutely not. No Java needed. But I’m going to use it for 2 reasons:
1-People have been asking for this kind of information
2-This is how I might build an app in the day job so that’s what I’m going to do here.
So that’s why I’m using Java. It will also let me get into making a “business api” I hope.
I’m also going to use Bootstrap and the OpenNTF API. Basically any tool in the toolbox.
That’s the plan anyway.
P.S. In this show I meant to start with actually installing the designer software, but messed something up and didn’t want to redo it. I figure clicking on the installer isn’t that big a deal. So this show starts off after the initial install.
P.P.S If you’re a beginner and want further information and an alternate view point on starting XPages development, you might want to check out a video series from Paul Della-Nebbia on his blog.
Oh and there is one more thing….
Some episodes MIGHT contain some “bloopers” at the end.
In this show, John Oldenburger, a wonderful new contributor and XPages XPert joins the Hackathon to show us how to use the Select2 project to improve your applications.
In this show Jesse Gallagher returns to give us an introduction to this amazing Framework he’s created to try and improve the XPages coding experience.
I can’t say that I totally “get it” yet BUT it looks VERY interesting. I have so far taken the “controller” piece from the framework and I’m successfully using that in my applications and I’ll be featuring that on NotesIn9 very soon. It’s really improved how I create my applications.
In this show Dan Friedrich, a brand new contributor joins the Hackathon! He’s a customer (like me!) that’s been doing a lot with XPages. He’s going to talk about using Bootstrap and Font Awesome in your XPages applications.
Before the demo I take a little time to update the status of the XPages Mobile Controls and iOS8 issues as well as some overall personal opinions on the Mobile Controls themselves.
The demo starts around the 10:00 if you want to skip over my opinion stuff.
In this show Greg Reeder, XPage developer returns for part 2 of his series to talk some Java programming and how you might be able to use it to build a logging control for errors and messages.
This is the second of a 3 part series from Greg which I’m publishing all at once due to the length and complexity of the information.
In this show Greg Reeder, XPage developer and new contributor joins the show to talk some Java and how you might be able to use it to build a logging control for errors and messages.
This is the first of a 3 part series from Greg which I’m publishing all at once due to the length and complexity of the information.