Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 035: XPages View Picker 3.0

In this show John Jardin comes back on to give a demo on how to use version 3.0 of the XPages ViewPicker Custom Control.  This is a control was featured on a previous NotesIn9 but Mark Hughes has made enough enhancements to it that John thought it needed an updated video.  Not to be missed is the use of the Loading Mask as well as the Multi-Value Deselector.
Look for more videos on using custom controls in future shows.

Extended Edition Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9 Extended Edition: 010 Simple Repeats in XPages

I recently realized that of all the demos I’ve done on Repeat Controls, I’ve not done a simple one that actually looks like a table. There are a couple of ways to do this and in this show I demonstrate my prefered method. Along the way I talk about data binding formulas and working in the source pane as well.

This is a really basic show for those new to XPages. If you’ve been a long time viewer there might not be much new here.


Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 034 XPages- F4 is your friend

In this show we have another great guest contributor. Paul Withers from Intec Solutions comes on the show to introduce to us to what should be our new Best Friend, otherwise known as the “F4 key”. Learn how to use this key to find all the hidden methods and properties from your objects.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 033 Introduction to Remote Services in XPages

In this show John Jardin comes back on to talk about getting started with using Remote Services in XPages.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 032 Testing XPages

In this show, Peter Presnell comes on to give a high level look at some of the options available to test XPage applications.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 031 Styling NamePicker with oneUI

In this show guest contributor John Jardin comes on to talk about using oneUI to style the Name Picker from the XPages Extension Library.

Thanks again to John for taking the time to contribute this tip. I’m really exicited to have him and a couple more great guests lined up for some upcoming shows.

Learning XPages Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 029: Combine URL Parameters with Excel Exporting

In this show I’m going to combine 2 tips from the XPagesCheatSheet which can be freely downloaded at

I take the Export to Excel example, and demonstrate how you can improve that by getting and using a parameter from the URL so the exported Excel document has only a subset of records.

Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 030 – Formatting Numbers in XPages

This is just a quick little show today to demonstrate a couple of ways to deal with formatting numbers on an XPage.

Nothing really fancy today. 🙂

Extended Edition Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: EE 008 – XPages: One Man’s Journey

NotesIn9 Week continues with this episode in which Graham Acres comes on as a guest to talk about how he got started using XPages. I want to thank Graham very much for taking the time to record this presentation for NotesIn9.

Graham will talk about his journey into learning this new technology and then will show off a couple of interesting demo’s and tips.

When I first heard of this presentation, which I think he did for a Canadian user group, I thought that this might be really inspirational. Everyone who starts out learning XPages struggles with it. The first several weeks are the hardest. The way to get past that is to not get frustrated. Realize there is a roadmap to improving your skills and that you’re not alone out there. There are now a lot of great resources out there for XPages information. Here’s just a couple:

XPages Forum
XPages Blog
Designer Wiki

Again, a big thanks to Graham for his presentation.

Extended Edition Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: EE 009 – Using Java HashMaps and TreeMaps with XPages

In this show I talk and demo ways to use Java HashMaps and TreeMaps with your XPages applications.


UPDATE: April 11, 2016 –

I was just now reviewing this older show.  I see one thing in the code that might work but I don’t think is quite right.

var myList:java.util.HashMap = new java.util.HashMap

That appears to be missing the “()” at the end.  It really should look like this:

var myList:java.util.HashMap = new java.util.HashMap()

and of course it’s a Map and not a List so a better variable name might have been “myMap”.