Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 046 Building Forms with XPages and Extension Library

The NotesIn9 100,000 Celebration continues! Last week saw three new shows and I also recorded an X-Cast Podcast due out soon. I have 2 more shows coming to cap off this huge milestone.

In this show I take a brief look at a couple of different topics. First I talk about the Extension Library and the Upgrade Pack and what I personally perceive to be differences betwen the two.

Then for the Demo, I talk about several different ext. library controls. The focus is on Field Layout Controls like “Form Table”, “Form Layout Row”, and “Form Layout Column”. But to get to that point I first touch on the App Layout control and the Navigator. I hope you like it.

For more information on App Layout control Steve Pridemore did a great show on it in episode 42.

Learning XPages Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 045 XPages: Tracking File Downloads

In this episode I take a look at how you can use an XAgent to track any file this is downloaded or link that is clicked on your website.
At one Point in the show I mention “Thomas Bahn” and that should have been “Thomas Gumz”. Sorry for the mix up!  

Prior to the Demo there’s an important service message for the Kennedy Kreiger Institute.  They are directly involved in crucial care for Matt Reimer as discussed in a post by Rob Novak.  The program that benefits Matt is having it’s funding significantly reduced. Here is an article about Matt and the funding issue.

I would only ask that if NotesIn9 has ever benefitted you, maybe you would consider donating to this worthy cause.

The website is:
To donate be sure to select Other in the Fund Designation section and enter “ALD Research”
To contribute by mail, make checks to Kennedy Krieger Foundation, 707 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205-9851. Memo: “ALD Research”

Thank you for the consideration!

Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 043 Domino Designer Tips and Tweaks

In this show I take a brief look at Domino Designer and go over some enhancements that I’ve learned from some true experts, Paul Calhoun and Nathan Freeman.  I’ll show how to check out and improve Designer’s memory usage and even make your XPages XML source code easier to read.
Here is the link to Nathan’s blog post detailing many Designer tweaks.

In other news I’m trying to improve how I use other outlets for NotesIn9 information. If you like, please follow @NotesIn9 on twitter. I also have a facebook page.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 042 XPages and Application Layout Control

In this episode Steve Pridemore, a new contributor, comes on the show to demonstation some cool techniques for using the new application layout control available in Domino 8.5.3 with the Extension Library.

UPDATE: Here’s the Demo file for the episode.
THIS HAS BEEN FIXED. Sorry about that.

UPDATE 2: Steve also used the Fake Names database for data. That can be found at

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 040 Automated XPages Testing

In this show, John Jardin comes on to demonstrate Selenium, from, which is a FireFox plugin that lets you automate testing of websites.  This looks really cool!  You can record tests and re-run them later.  So if you make changes you can catch regression bugs and such.

This show is not to be missed for XPages Developers.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9: 039 Creating PDF’s with XPages Part 2

In this show Brian Moore returns to give is tips on how to get fancier with the PDF’s that you create from XPages and iText.

Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 038: XPages and iOS Trick

In this show I take a look at using XPages with iOS browsers. Specifically we’ll be looking at how to turn off AutoCorrect.

Extended Edition Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9-EE-012: Creating PDF’s from XPages

In this show , the 12th Extended Edition, Brian Moore comes on as a new contributor to introduce us to the iText project and how we can use it to create PDF’s from XPages.

Notes In 9 Podcast

NotesIn9: 036 The IBM XWork Server

In this show I’ll talk about the newly announced IBM XWork server. What it is. What it can and can not do.

No demo today. Just some information in this exciting new server announcement.

Extended Edition Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 Extended Edition 11: XPages SplitScreen – View and Document

In this show I take a question from a viewer who asked how you could have a view on the right, click on a document and be able to edit it on the left. I’ll demonstrate that by using a Repeat Control since I don’t like View Controls that much.

There’s quite a bit in here for the beginner. I create a repeat control, bind to a foreign database, control rendering of the document section, use simple actions and SSJS and even show the world how bad I am with CSS. 🙂

The viewer also wanted to be able to create NEW documents, but I’ll save that bit for a future show.

Hope you like it.