Notes In 9 Podcast XPages

NotesIn9 146: Going Mobile with Bootstrap

In this show, we get another great new contributor joining the NotesIn9 family.  Please welcome Shean P McManus to the show. His blog is:  I’m really excited to get Shean on as he gives us a great demo on using Bootstrap for an XPages mobile focused application.

Shean manually added Bootstrap to his application.  Another option is to use a great project on OpenNTF to do this for you via an update site.

Also check out Oliver Busse’s work and Bootstap template:


In the beginning of the show I mentioned a, hopefully, future contributor. Greg Reeder.  Check out his blog here:  He’s starting a video series that’s basically a “Build an XPages app meets Intro to Java”.  The first video is here:  I highly recommend you check that series out.

P.S.  Sorry it’s been a while between shows. I have several more in the queue so stay tuned!!