This show is the first part in a 3 part series from another new contributor to NotesIn9. I’m very excited to bring onto the show Russ Maher who is an excellent XPages developer and speaker. Russ is going to show us how you can use Managed beans to solve a business problem in XPages.
Since this show is once again talking about Java I mention some resources on getting started with the Java Language, especially in learning the syntax. I’ve used the Head First Java book and liked it very much but recently I found a great new website designed to teach the Java Language.
This site is run by Trevor Page. I think it absolutely rocks. It’s has great getting started with Java information that’s very well written in an easy to follow manner. Trvor also does a Podcast and has produced a really good ebook on the subject. I highly recommend checking his site out for anyone who’s starting to learn Java.
He also has a site specifically setup for his Java ebook here: You can download a sample and check it out. I bought it as soon as it came out and it’s really well done.
There’s lots more Java XPages material coming to NotesIn9 as well as non Java shows. Remember, as Paul Calhoun likes to say, “Java is just a tool in your XPages toolbox”. I think it’s a really good tool to have.
UPDATE: DEMO FILE for the show