Community Learning XPages XPages

Live XPages Webinar today at 10 am EST on OpenNTF

Today Marky Roden and I will be doing a Getting started with XPages Webinar for OpenNTF.

This is a rare event because I typically don’t do many webinars do to lack of time.  But one does not simply pass on the chance to speak with Mark Roden.

This session is geared for the person new to XPages or thinking about jumping into XPages.  We assume you know something about Notes Client or Domino Web development.  It really is true beginner / getting started focus but there might be some things for a slightly more advanced XPager.

We have a ton of content and likely won’t get through it all – but the webinar will be recorded, the slides will be available, and a “directors cut” of the demo at least, will be coming to NotesIn9 very soon.

It’s Free. Please join us if you have time.  There will be questions at the end.


UPDATE:  The replay can be found here: