
Thanking people that share – how to make a Champion.

In case you were not aware tomorrow is the last day for nominations for the IBM Champion program.

The IBM Champion program is a means for IBM to recognize people who have contributed to the community.

Champions need to be re-nominated each year. So just because someone might be a champion now doesn’t mean they will in the next go around unless they either get nominated or self-nominate.

Here’s what I would ask. If you’ve benefited from someone in the community – either their blog.. or XSnippets… or contributions to NotesIn9 or contributions to OpenNTF, or they answered your question on the forum or StackOverFlow, then please consider nominating them to be an IBM Champion. Especially if they are a business partner as who knows, that might actually really help them. Just go to the form and fill out what you know. You might not know what “certs” the person has… just fill in what you do know and why you’re nominating them. The IBM committee can get any other details I’m sure.

There’s so many great contributors to this Community that deserve recognition and feedback on their work. Please consider taking time to nominate someone you feel is worthy.


P.S. I don’t broadcast it much but I’m currently an IBM Champion as well. I was honored with that when the initial group was announced at a View Conference in Las Vegas. Please don’t nominate me. I’m not looking for that. A couple people already have so I’m “covered” I guess. I’d sooner have you spend any “nominating time” on others.